Wills, Trusts and Probate
For many people making a Will can seem a daunting process, but at Salusbury Harding & Barlow we ensure that our clients are comfortable and put at ease before we even begin the process. We spend time with our clients listening to them as they explain what they would like their Will to achieve.
It sounds obvious, but listening is vital to the work that we do. It ensures that the work we undertake for and on behalf of our clients correctly reflects their wants and needs, and in today’s more complex society that has never been more varied.
Did you know that only 47% of people in the UK have made a Will? If you are one of the 53% who hasn’t made a Will, what might that mean to your loved ones?
Making a Will is essential. It ensures that your wishes are followed on your death. It is a means for you to control who gets what after your death. It allows you to decide who is to look after your children or even your pets, it is a way of you being able to make a gift to your favourite charities and it also allows you to choose who is to administer your estate upon your death.
Not having a Will could mean that some of your relatives or friends may get nothing from your estate because there are strict rules which govern who gets what if a person has died without making a Will.
Making a Will is the first step. Throughout our clients lives there will be many changes such as marriage, maybe divorce, moving house or having children. Making sure that their Will is up-to-date will ensure that their wishes are carried out. We are here to help and advise throughout. For instance, for small changes clients may only need a Codicil (an additional document which can be added to your existing Will) rather than a completely new Will.
We are also able to help clients keep their Wills safe by offering a secure storage environment. This is offered to all of our clients without charge. You can obtain your Will from us at any time should you choose to do so.
A frequently asked question is, “What will it cost me?” We can usually provide a fixed quotation for the completion of a Will and, particularly when account is taken of our offer to store your Will without charge indefinitely, we are confident that you will find this to be very competitive.
Tax Planning
We are also able to offer help and advise with tax planning. With the increase in house values many more people now need to consider the effect of Inheritance Tax. We can provide guidance on appropriate provisions that it may be possible to take during your lifetime.
Administering your Estate
Often members of our firm are appointed to act as Executors of a client’s estate. In this capacity we take responsibility for administering the estate upon the client’s death. However, if others have been appointed as Executors (and commonly these would be close friends or relatives) then we can provide assistance to them. The extent of our involvement, and consequently the amount of our charges, is entirely up to the Executors. We can be asked to provide general advice during a single meeting, we can provide further advice as and when needed, or the administration of the estate can be placed entirely in our hands subject, of course, to continued consultation with the Executors. We are here to offer a flexible support service so please do contact us for further information or to talk through your specific requirements.
Trusts can be set up to cover various circumstances. These can range from administering money or property given to a child, through to managing the funds of a charitable organisation. Each Trust is specific to a client’s exact requirements so if you would like to find out more please contact us.
“I would highly recommend the services provided by SHB Solicitors. The service provided by Lisa and her secretary Tracey have allowed me to conclude my aunt's affairs in a professional and friendly manner. I sincerely thank you for your services.”